The year was 1941. It was in that year that 120 farmers organized Vernon County Breeders in Wisconsin, an artificial breeding organization that would one day become known as Tri-State Breeders, later to become Accelerated Genetics.
While Vernon County Breeders continued to grow, a breeding ring in a neighboring county was developing. Trempealeau County Breeders Cooperative was also formed in 1941. During its first year it served 161 members and inseminated 1800 cows.
The two A.I. cooperatives grew and in 1947 they consolidated to form Tri-State Breeders. The cooperative had 26 sires and employed 16 technicians that serviced 30,000 cows. During this time, another breeding organization was developing in Madison, Wisconsin. Begun as an experimental artificial breeding ring at the University of Wisconsin, Southern Wisconsin Breeders became a cooperative in 1950. Ten years later, Southern and Tri-State merged, a move that almost doubled Tri-State's membership area.
Since the beginning of Tri-State Breeders in 1941, the company continued to grow and become not only one of the largest A.I. companies in the Midwest but also one of the largest A.I. companies in the world. Tri-State Breeders was dedicated to its membership area of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa, but realized the potential sales growth world-wide. Thus Tri-State began expanding their service and genetics to non-member areas across the world. Because of that worldly growth, it was decided in January of 1995 to change the branding image of Tri-State Breeders, to Accelerated Genetics.